Now that you've got the basics, you're ready to
read the New Testament Textus Receptus in the original Koine Greek! Here's how it works.
Each and every verse of the New Testament will be
displayed individually, in order. Each verse displayed will include the name of the Gospel or Epistle in both Greek and English.
Below that will be the chapter and verse number. Following this will be the full verse in English, and then in Greek. Then
comes the exciting part!
Each Greek verse is then re-written vertically
down the page. To the right of each Greek word is its pronunciation in (parenthesis). We've italicized the syllable
that you should put the stress accent on. To the right of the pronunciation is the translation of the Greek word. It
sounds complicated, but it's easy as pie!
We've included two special bonuses.
First, in addition to the basic Greek to English
transliteration, if the Greek word is a proper name (such as Paul, Jerusalem, etc), we've also included the literal meaning
of the name in "italicized quotes". For example, "Yehoshua" is Hebrew, and the English transliteration is "Joshua".
However, the name itself literally means "Jehovah the Savior". This should greatly help your studies in other
areas of the Scriptures as well. (By the way, you will notice in the course of this program that the word Joshua
and Jesus both come from the same Hebrew word - Yehoshua. To differentiate the Joshua of the Old Testament from Jesus of Nazareth,
the shorter Hebrew form of Yehoshua is used for Jesus, which is Yeshua, or Y'shua. So why don't we call Jesus "Joshua"? The
reason is simple, but complicated to explain. Translating "Yehoshua" directly from Hebrew to English would be "Joshua". However,
over the past 2000 years the name of Yehoshua went to Greece as "Iaysou (ee-ay-sou)", then to Roman Latin as "Iaysousay" (ee-ay-sou-say)".
Neither Hebrew, Greek, or Latin have the letter "J" - but the Anglo language of the British Isles did. So traveling through
Europe from Latin Rome, all Hebrew/Greek words that started with "I" was changed to "J" if the "I" was immediately
followed by another vowel; and so the name became "Jesu (yay-sou)" and then "Jesus (jee-zuss)". The last S is taken from the
Latin version of the name).
Second, simply for your educational entertainment,
on occasion you will notice words in |racks| to the far right side of a Greek word translation. These words are
not part of the translation, but rather they are common English words that came from the root of the listed Greek
word. For example, the Greek word for "write" is "graphOH". Common English words that came from this would be |graphics
graffiti|. Let me repeat that these are not part of the Greek word's definition. Some of these words even have opposite meanings
to the Greek word's definition. We provide this just for trivial fun.
So here is an example of what a typical verse will
look like:
Got all that? Great! Now it's time to see the Scriptures. Since
this website is still under contruction, it will take us some time to finish loading all of them. If you would like us to
update you via email each time we add another completed New Testament book to the site, just click the JOIN NOW button at
the top left of the menu. For the time being, just the Epistle of Jude is currently available. But don't be disappointed!
There's so much to learn in this Epistle of just 25 verses! For example, did you know that Jude was the one who commanded
us to "earnestly contend for the Faith", or that Jude speaks of a mysterious battle between Lucifer and Michael over the body
of Moses, or that Jude mentions fallen angels that are bound in chains of darkness because of a certain sin? These and more
are found in this marvelous Epistle. It is believed that Jude was the half-brother of Jesus, from the marriage of Joseph and
Mary. At the beginning of this Epistle, Jude (which is a latinized form of Judah) introduces himself as the brother of James.
Now, the brother of the apostle James is listed as John, but in Matthew 13:55 the names of Joseph and Mary's children
- the half-brothers of Jesus - are listed as James, Judah [Jude], Joses and Simon. Therefore it is highly likely
that the "Jude" of this Epistle, the brother of James, is indeed our Lord's half-brother through Mary. So many
exciting things in just one little epistle!
The exciting Gospel of John is in the works and coming soon!!
So let's go! Just click