(suitable for PC and eBooks!)
Commemorating the 400th Anniversary of its first printing, this is the most amazing edition of
the Authorized King James Bible ever produced. The text has been layed out like ordinary books with proper sentence and paragraph
structure, and with all of the chapter numbers and verse numbers and individual book titles removed, and proper punctuation
installed. One of the greatest features is the bulleted listing WITHIN THE SCRIPTURAL TEXT of all genealogies and of other
groups of technical data, such as the construction details of the Ark and of Solomon's Temple; this makes such eye-crossing
data gentle on the eyes. The Epistles are presented in the same format that you would write any proper business letter, the
Psalms are presented in solid paragraphs, and the Proverbs are each given their own independent line and thus distringuishing
one from the other. All pronouns for God have been capitalized to distinguish between God and man (He/he, Him/him, His/his,
etc), and every occurrance of the words JESUS and CHRIST are reverently set in all capitalizations. Simple, unintrusive old
English definitions and simple explanations of ancient traditions mentioned in the Text are set in footnotes at the end of
the paragraph in which they occur, and thus gives the reader instant understanding of the subject matter.
All without
changing any of the text itself.
Another advantage with this edition is that it is set in a larger sized text font
for easy reading, unlike typical modern bibles which require a magnifying glass to read! As a result of the larger font this
has created the added benefit of having the Bible in two volumes, making it easy to handle. I cannot recommend this edition
enough!!!! If every Christian church in the world used this edition, I am certain that the petty contradictions among Protestant
Christian denominations would be desolved because they would all be forced to read the text in the exact way it was writen
- from start to finish - and therefore, IN CONTEXT.
This magnificent work has been divided into two volumes. Volume 1 features Genesis to the middle
of Psalms. Volume 2 picks up in the Psalms and continues to Revelation.

Right-Click HERE and "SAVE FILE AS" to download a free PDF of Volume 1
or click on the book cover to purchase the paperback edition
(This book is sold at publishing cost - this ministry does not receive ANY