Like Hebrew, as well as Latin (remember your
Roman Numberals... I =1, V=5, X=10, L=50, C=100, M = 1000, etc...), Greek also uses its alphabet symbols for numerals.
You will notice that the upper case letter for 6, and both upper and lower letters for 90 and 900 are unfamiliar. That is
because these letters are long extinct from the Greek alphabet. But they are still, rarely, used for numerals. Fortunately
for us, none of those extinct symbols are used in the Bible. Probably the most famous Greek numeral in the Bible is the number
of the Beast's name, which is six hundred sixty six - Chi Xi Sigma - (not six six six, as it is commonly misunderstood
to be, which would be Sigma Sigma Sigma).

For 1000 thru 9000, the alphabet is started again,
only this time a small version of the lower case letter Iota is added before the letter, either near the top or at the
bottom. For 10,000 the upper case letter Mu is used, with a small lower case Alpha above it. 20,000 would be Mu with
a small Beta above it. Etcetera. But neither these, nor higher numbers, are used in the Bible, so we will not get into
the details of those numbers here.